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Christ the King Federation

RE & Spiritual Development 

Religious Education

Religious Education is a fostering of each child’s relationship with God and their neighbour. This begins at Baptism and is continued at home as well as at church and school.

The Federation delivers Religious Education following the Brentwood Diocese’s Come and See Programme.  These planned units of work are age appropriate and empower pupils to develop their knowledge and understanding to be religiously literate. 

Scripture plays an important part in the RE programme and connections are made between the readings and the children’s lives. Engagement with scripture is essential to understanding the faith story of the community of the Church. God is revealed to us through scripture and tradition. Therefore, scripture is the very heart of the tradition, which has been handed down to us and continues in the church as a living and developing reality.

These units are also linked succinctly to the Religious Education Curriculum Directory. Links are made with the children’s own experience and the universal experience. Children are also encouraged to explore links with other faiths and traditions with speakers invited into school and arranged visits to different places of worship.

Come and See is developed through three themes which are gradually explored at greater depth as the children progress through the school.

They are:

Community of Faith - Church

Celebration in ritual - Sacrements

Way of Life - Christian Living

R.E. Curriculum Overview

 Christ The King Federation R.E. Curriculum Overview


Ten:Ten Overview for Parents

Ten:Ten Information for Parents Booklet

To access the parent resources in the 'Parent Portal' please click on the block below. You will be asked for the username and login that were sent in a letter to Parents on 10th June 2021

Ten Ten Resources

Spiritual Development

At Christ The King Federation, creating an atmosphere for spiritual growth is at the centre of all teaching. The children are encouraged to pray, reflect, contemplate and make links with their daily life and religion on a daily basis.

Prayer plays an important part in the life of the school. The classroom environments promote prayer and reflection by including a prayer focus with liturgical icons, artefacts, symbols and prayers. These are used for daily worship. In all classroom environments, ‘stillness’ is encouraged at certain points of the day for communicating with God. Whole school prayers are taught throughout the year groups. 

Pupils from Reception to Year Six have the opportunity to live out the traditions of our faith. All children are given the opportunity to lead worship through acts of worship within class and assemblies. They also take the lead across the school for our liturgical celebrations. The Saint's Feast days are marked and the prayer life of the pupils is enhanced in many ways. An example of this is the annual Patron Feast day; a Mass involving the home, school, parish tri-partnership is celebrated as one community. Children also lead in celebrating Class and House Masses whether in school or in thelocal parish Church. We also celebrate the Feast of All Saints and All Souls Day through praying for and remembering those who have died in our schools, families, communities and wars. Our Remembrance Services are a prayerful and poignant occasion.

Each school spends around 10-15 minutes a day in prayer or worship including the Angelus at mid-day. This is done through collective worship, assemblies, guided meditations or services led by other classes or teachers. During the year the whole school gathers together to celebrate Mass on a number of occasions as previously mentioned. 

The communication between home, school and parish is appreciated and encouraged. Each school liaises with their local parishes about the Sacramental programmes. First reception of the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist takes place in Year 3 (8 year olds). Pupils are also offered the Sacrament of Reconciliation from Year 3 upwards in Advent and Lent.

The children are encouraged to pray individually and collectively. There are class and key stage acts of worship. There is a programme of liturgical celebrations in school which follows the Church’s year. Across the Federation there are strong relationships with the parish priests who regularly visits school to lead assemblies and hold question and answer sessions with children across the key stages. This in turn extends the theological Catholic teaching to children whom may not be able to attend Mass regularly.  

To view our Relationships, Sex and Health Education policies click here.

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