Here you will find the most relevant and up-to-date Federation policies. For school specific policies click St Francis or St Joseph's.
If you would like to request a paper copy of our policies or have access to any of our other policies, please contact one of our school offices.
We have 4 categories of Policy:
- Statutory - covering major strategic areas required by law, as stated by the Government's Statutory Policies for Schools document (January 2020)
- Discretionary - additional policies covering additional areas, not required by law.
- GDPR - General Data Protection Regulation policies.
- RE and Spiritual Development - policies on RE and Worship.
- Curriculum- other policies on specific subject areas of the curriculum.
Statutory Policies
- Accessibility Plan. Under review for the Federation, in the interim please visit St Francis or St Joseph's
Behaviour Principles Written Statement
Charging and Remissions Policy
Data Protection Policy (Dec22)
Equality ObjectivesEquality Objectives Statement
Harmful Sexual behaviour Peer on Peer Abuse
Relationship, Sex and Health Education Policy
Discretionary Policies
Administering Medication Policy
Dealing with Threatening and Abusive Behaviour from Parents, Carers and Visitors Policy
First Aid & Medical Emergencies Policy
Gifts & Hospitality Policy & Procedures
Suspension and Exclusion Policy
GDPR Policies and Strategy
Data Protection Policy (Dec22)
Information Governance Strategy (Dec 22)
Statutory Requests for Information Policy (Dec21)
GDPR Rights Guidance for Parents / Guardians (Oct21)
FOI Publication Scheme (Sep22)
RE and Spiritual Development Policies
Curriculum Policies