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Christ the King Federation

Pastoral Care

The School is a community in which behaviour is based on mutual respect and consideration for others. Children are organised in houses in Key Stage 2 and are encouraged to support their houses through their behaviour and work effort for which team points are awarded. The class teacher who knows the child well, is responsible for the care and control of the children in his/her class. The emphasis is on affirming good behaviour.

Sanctions may, however, be used at times. These include extra work, loss or break of privileges. Particular problems may be referred to the  Headteacher.

Children and/or parents are urged to notify any member of staff or the Headteacher if they believe any form of bullying is taking place.

The values, standards and attitudes of the School community are made clear to the children by example and discussion so that they are absorbed by them and made their own. Rules are made governing behaviour within the school, the playground, and the games field. If a child displays persistent anti-social behaviour, consultation is arranged between the teacher and parents so that an attempt can be made to correct the matter.

Child Protection Policy – Parents are advised that the School has a Child Protection Policy. In certain circumstances, outside agencies may become involved if the well-being of a child is a concern.

Our Child Protection policy can be found under 'Statutory Policies' on the Federation policies page.

Safeguarding & Child Protection Practice & Guidelines for St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Under Section 175 of the 2002 Education Act:

“A duty is placed on the School and the Governing Body to protect and promote the welfare of children.”

At St. Joseph's School we are committed to promoting the safety and well being of the children within our community by following the guidelines offered by The Essex Safeguarding Service within Southend Essex & Thurrock (S.E.T.) procedures. When necessary we work with other agencies such as Social Care, the local Health Authority and the Essex police force.

If there is any cause for concern over the well being of a child within our School community, all staff, pupils, volunteers and parents should be aware of who to contact within the school staff.

The designated person for Safeguarding and Child Protection issues within St. Joseph's School is Miss North.

In the case of her absence or unavailability the deputy designated persons are either Mrs. Hillier or Mrs Huish.

The School Governor with responsibility for Safeguarding and Child Protection concerns is Mr David Mills.

All staff have under gone basic safeguarding awareness training and have been alerted to the signs and symptoms of abuse or neglect in children. If a child discloses any concerning information to an adult working within the school, the adult is asked not to question the child or comment on the disclosure. The designated child protection co-ordinator is informed as soon as possible and a factual record of the child’s disclosure is made. As a School we then follow the guidelines in the S.E.T. procedure.

All concerns which are brought to the attention of the designated person are recorded confidentially as is recommended by the Essex Safeguarding Children’s Board.

A full copy of our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy is available from the School office on request.

See our awards