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Christ the King Federation

Remote Learning Agreement

ICT User Agreement (Remote Learning) Parental consent form

As we move to an online learning environment using Google Classroom in line with our Remote Learning Policy, we must receive parental permission before a pupil is able to take part in online sessions.

All pupils must adhere to the ICT User Agreement (Remote Learning) in order to engage safely in the online sessions. Please read and discuss this user agreement with your child. If you have any concerns or queries with regard to the agreement, please contact admin@st-francisrc.essex.sch.uk or admin@st-josephspri.essex.sch.uk and we will deal with your enquiry accordingly.

In order to facilitate online learning during the suspension of face-to-face learning, we ask that you support your child, where possible, by:

• providing them with a workspace that is quiet, safe and free from distractions with an adult nearby if necessary

• making sure your child is dressed appropriately

• ensuring that online communication is only between teachers and pupils

All parent to teacher communication should be via email as usual. Neither parents nor pupils may record, share or comment on public forums about individual teachers.

By completing the following form, you give permission for your child to attend online sessions with Christ the King Federation staff and you acknowledge that you have shared this document and discussed online learning with your child. It is very important that your child agrees to follow the rules.

Please complete all fields marked (*)

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