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Christ the King Federation


In January 2018 we joined with St Joseph's Catholic Primary School, in South Woodham Ferrers, to form a formal collaboration known as a Federation.

Our two schools have much in common and share a Leadership team and Governing Body.

Bringing the two schools together in this way has provided many new opportunities, from children working together across the collaboration to shared teaching, staff development and projects. 

Both schools have been able to jointly plan, develop and improve wider curriculum opportunities such as artists in residence, the use of specialists to deliver themed enrichment weeks, school journeys and school trips.  

Being in partnership has meant the schools have been able to share expertise through a variety of regular joint training opportunities for staff and learn by working alongside a wider pool of experience. Subject leaders have been able to pool resources and ideas to the common benefit of the pupils. 

To find out more about our Federation please visit our homepage

See our awards