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Christ the King Federation

Educational Visits


Year 6 children are taken on a residential educational visit for up to five days. The purpose of these visits is also to prepare the children for their imminent change to secondary School and to help them to be more self-reliant. The Local Authority rules and regulations pertaining to educational visits are followed.

There is a shorter residential in Year 5 the purpose of which is to prepare the children for their longer trip in Year 6, as well as to provide a range of interesting educational activities. This a joint trip undertaken with both year 5 groups across the Federation. The duration is typically three days and the venue is an Outdoor Education Centre.

The School places considerable emphasis on other educational visits. Every class participates in a day visit to places of interest during the academic year; usually one every term.

Occasionally in place of a trip, workshops for children in, for example, music and drama are provided by outside professionals on the school site.




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