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Christ the King Federation

School Uniform

Girls’ Summer Uniform

(After Easter to October half term)

Girls’ Winter Uniform

(After October half term to Easter)

Burgundy Gingham Dress dress (purchased from Sainsburys Product No. 140016127 or same style from George or any other store

Grey V-neck cardigan with logo    

Grey Blazer with logo        

White socks

Black (not open toed or slip on pumps, max heel height 2 cm)

Maroon Legionnaire’s hat KS1

Base Ball Cap KS2

Burgundy/Grey/Black  hair bands and clips

 Grey ‘A’ line plain or pleated skirt or pinafore dress

White long sleeved blouse

Grey V-neck cardigan with logo

Grey Blazer with logo

School Tie

Grey/Black tights or white knee length socks

Navy/Black coat

Black shoes (max heel 2 cm)

Burgundy/Grey/Black  hair bands and clips

Boys’ Summer Uniform

(After Easter to October half term)

Boys’ Winter Uniform

(After October half term to Easter)


White short sleeved shirt (not a polo shirt)       

Grey V-neck pullover with logo

Grey short trousers**

School Tie

Grey Blazer with logo        

Grey socks

Black shoes

Maroon Legionnaire hat KS1

Base ball cap KS2


** Year 6 can wear long trousers all year.

 White long sleeved shirt                       

Grey V-neck pullover with logo

Grey long trousers

School Tie

Grey Blazer with logo

Grey/Black socks

Navy/Black coat

Black or navy shoes



Unisex Sports Outfit (All year)

School Bags


Maroon PE shorts

Sky blue polo shirt with logo

Black slip-on plimsolls (no laces please)

Drawstring P.E. Bag

School Hoodie (optional)

Leavers Hoodie (optional Year 6 only)

Navy crew neck sweatshirt

Navy jogging bottoms

Trainers for outdoor games

Black/Navy Regulation Swimsuit/Trunks




Key Stage 1 – St. Joseph’s book bag


Key Stage 2 – St. Joseph’s black backpack


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