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Christ the King Federation

Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club takes place every day from 7.30am until 8.45am at a cost of £4.50 per child. Children partake in a range of activities, and are provided with a choice of cereals, toast, juice and milk. Some days the children will have extra options. We are committed to providing quality childcare for your children and as Breakfast Club is very popular it has become necessary for us to request that parents book in advance for places (up to 1/2 term in advance) if they wish to guarantee a place for their child. If you would like your child to attend then please contact the school office or use the online booking form available on My Ed.

Registered Childcare Voucher Schemes

We accept Childcare Vouchers from the following providers:






National Savings - The Government Childcare offering


• To support working parents by providing a high quality service which meets the needs of both parents/carers and children;

• To provide a reliable, safe, supportive and welcoming environment where children can play, have fun, relax and be with friends;

• To offer the children the opportunity of having a healthy breakfast at the start of the school day.



  1. The Breakfast Club (‘the Club’) is operated by St Francis Catholic Primary School as part of its extended services provision.


  1. The Club is open from 7.30am to 8.45am - Monday to Friday (Term time only). No responsibility will be taken for children arriving before this time.


  1. The Club is based in the school hall and is accessed by the main school entrance.


  1. The Club will operate for children attending St Francis Catholic Primary School only.


  1. You will need to complete a booking form (which is available on My Ed or from the school office) and pay via ParentPay. Please note that a booking form must be completed for each child attending.


  1. To ensure the correct staff to pupil ratios we request bookings for Breakfast Club to be given to the school office a minimum of 48 hours in advance. Failure to do so may result in the school being unable to admit your child.


  1. The cost of the Club is £4.50 per child per session. The charge of £4.50 covers the cost of care and a healthy breakfast. Children partake in a range of activities, and are provided with a choice of cereals, toast, juice and milk. Some days the children will have extra options.


  1. Fees should be paid at least one week in advance. The Governing Body reserves the right to exclude a child if fees are not paid. The Headteacher may suspend a child from attending the club if more than one week in arrears and the child will not be able to attend until the balance has been cleared. Fees are the responsibility of each person who has signed the Booking Form or who has parental responsibility for the child or children.


  1. The preferred method of payment is via Parent Pay, but we can accept cheques and cash if necessary. We also accept Childcare vouchers - please speak to the School Office for more information.


  1. Parents will be given one month’s notice of any increase in fees.


Please note: Parent Pay have an automatic reminder service which can be used to help Parents and Carers keep track of their payments and the total sum required for the booking period. If you wish to set this up, the School Office staff can advise you on how to do so.


  1. Parents are able to book regular or ad hoc sessions on either a daily, weekly, monthly or half termly basis (Booking Forms must be completed).


  1. Breakfast is served between 7.30am and 8.15am. No breakfast will be served after this time and children are accompanied to the school playground at 8.40 am.


  1. It is Parents responsibility to ensure the School has a copy of the most up to date emergency contact numbers, any food allergies or medical information and other relevant information.


  1. The Club will provide activities to assist learning e.g. helping with homework, reading, drawing, or playing board games. Children will not be allowed to leave the School hall to play outside unsupervised.


  1. Staff will be responsible for the care and management of children, treating them with respect at all times. They aim to provide a safe and stimulating and happy environment for all children. The Club adopts the same policies and procedures used by the school and these are available on the school website or are available on request at the School Office.


  1. The Club will comply with environmental health food safety standards.


  1. There will be at least two members of staff in attendance at any time and legal guidelines relating to the adult / child ratio will always be adhered to.


  1. All children are expected to behave well, show respect, to be polite, to look after equipment and resources, to be co-operative and courteous to staff and to each other.


  1. Children who do not behave well or do not show respect for staff or each other may be excluded from the Club – either permanently or temporarily depending on the circumstances


  1. Parents are required to sign their children into the Club. If any KS2 children are making their own way to the Club, the Club Staff must be notified in advance.


  1. If your child or children are unable to attend a session please telephone the Club Staff by 8.00 am to inform us. You can call on the main school number (01621 856698 Opt 3) to reach the Club Staff.


  1. Absent children will be followed up from the school’s class registers at the beginning of the school day, in line with the school’s Attendance Policy.


  1. No refunds will be given if your child or children do not attend the Club due to illness but a credit will be carried over from the second day of absence.


  1. No refund or credit will be given if your child is absent without a minimum of 24 hours prior notification.


  1. The Club welcomes staff and children from all backgrounds regardless of race, gender, religious beliefs and disability. We ensure that all children and staff are treated fairly and equally and comply with the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code 2014.


  1. The Club is committed to safeguarding & promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.


  1. Any child with a rash, discharge from the eyes, diarrhoea or any contagious / infectious illness should be kept away from the setting. If a child becomes sick during his / her attendance we reserve the right to call for emergency assistance and if necessary remove him / her to hospital. In line with the school’s Medicine Policy, we do not administer medicines to children unless specifically requested by the child’s parent / carer. To have medicines administered it must be under exceptional circumstances and prescribed by the child’s doctor, and parents are required to fill in a form which is obtainable from the Club Staff or the school office.


  1. The Club will not be liable for loss of property brought onto the premises by parent / carer or child.


  1. The Club is covered by the school’s insurance.


  1. In the event of a parent wishing to make a complaint, this should be made in the first instance to a member of Club Staff. If a parent is still concerned then the matter should be taken to Mrs Chapman the School Business Manager, unless it is a safeguarding matter and then it should be reported to the designated Safeguarding Lead, Mrs C. Peear.


  1. The Club follows all polices of the school.


Parents are asked to show agreement with these Terms & Conditions by completing and returning a signed copy to the Club Staff.



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