Pupils are assessed both formally and informally across all areas of the curriculum, including Religious Education. Teachers will often carry out short assessment tests at the end of a unit of work to see what the children can do independently as well as using evidence of on going progress demonstrated through class work.
Pre-school information alongside initial observations are used to make a baseline assessment of each pupil when they join Early Years Foundation Stage. The teacher works alongside the children on a range of activities to identify what they can do.
At the end of Reception a range of activities are used as well as on-going assessment records to see if children have reached the Early Learning Goals, are exceeding them or working towards them. The Foundation Stage Profile, which is a way of summing up each child’s progress and learning needs, is completed for all pupils. This profile is based on seven areas of learning. These are communication and language; physical development; personal, social and emotional development; literacy; mathematics; understanding the world and expressive arts and design. This is shared as part of the report to parents at the end of the year.
More formal tests, which are standardised against results nationally, are carried out in specific year groups:
- In Year One the pupils take part in the National Phonics Screening Check which is carried out in June each year. Pupils complete the check on a one-to-one basis with their class teacher who assesses their phonic ability. Those pupils who do not meet the standard are given support and then re-assessed in Year 2 and again in Year 3 if needed. The outcome of this assessment is shared in the annual report to parents.
- The pupils undertake National SATs (Standard Assessment Tasks) for Year 2 are now optional. Teachers will be able to use a range of small group tests and their own assessment records to judge if the pupils are working towards the Age Related Expectations (ARE), working at the ARE or working at greater depth, in English (Reading and Writing), Mathematics and Science.
- In Year Four the pupils take part in a national multiplication test which is completed online in June. The purpose of the Multiplication Tables Check is to determine whether pupils can recall their times tables fluently (within 6 seconds), which is essential for future success in mathematics. It allows teachers to identify pupils who have not yet mastered their times tables, so that additional support can be provided.
- In Year Six the pupils complete the National end of KS2 SATs in Reading, Mathematics and Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling. Pupils sit a formal test which is marked externally and not by the teachers in school. These results are included in the annual report to parents. Teachers assessments are submitted for writing and the pupils are judged to be either working towards the Age Related Expectations (ARE), working at the ARE or working at greater depth. Teachers assessments based on end of unit tests and evidence gathered from work completed in class is used to decide whether a pupil has, or has not met the expected standard in science.
Pupils in Years 1, 3, 4 and 5 complete written assessments in English and mathematics, which alongside regular teacher assessments, are used to establish the progress made towards achieving Age Related Expectations.
The National Curriculum for English and Mathematics is organised into Years 1-6; there is a clear expectation that the majority of pupils will master the requirements of each year group by the end of that academic year.
Published reading tests are used in school to chart pupil progress in reading, including comprehension. A record of pupil reading and spelling ages is sent up to the next class as part of transition materials.
Religious Education is assessed by teachers’ against the objectives of the ‘Come and See’ scheme of work. At the end of each unit teachers use records of a pupils on-going achievement throughout the topic to judge broadly whether they are working towards, working at or exceeding ARE.
Profiles are kept of individual achievements in computing and work samples, where appropriate, saved in pupil’s individual files.
Within Christ The King Federation we use a school tracking assessment tool known as Target Tracker. This enables teachers to track the achievement of individual pupils against the National Curriculum Standards. It also enables members of the Senior Leadership Team to monitor pupil progress, the impact of intervention programmes and compare the schools data to national data.
Autumn Term 'b' = at the expected level
'b+' = above the expected level |
Spring Term 'w' = at the expected level
'w+' = above the expected level |
Summer Term 's' = at the expected level
's+' = above the expected level |
Year 1: 1b/1b+ Year 2: 2b/2b+ Year 3: 3b/3b+ Year 4: 4b/4b+ Year 5: 5b/5b+ Year 6: 6b/6b+ |
Year 1: 1w/1w+ Year 2: 2w/2w+ Year 3: 3w/3w+ Year 4: 4w/4w+ Year 5: 5w/5w+ Year 6: 6w/6w+ |
Year 1: 1s/1s+ Year 2: 2s/2s+ Year 3: 3s/3s+ Year 4: 4s/4s+ Year 5: 5s/5s+ Year 6: 6s/6s+ |
Parent-Teacher consultations normally take place in November and April each year to discuss an individual’s progress and next step targets. Parents are also encouraged to make appointments to see individual teachers after school. Written reports are sent out before the end of the summer term. There are also planned half-termly ‘drop in sessions’, where parents may meet with teachers and request to look at their children's books.
The terminology working towards, working at or exceeding Age Related Expectations in a particular year group will be reflected in your child’s end of year report.